These 4 quels are short surahs from the last part of the Holy Quran. They are known wholeheartedly by Muslims because they are short and easy to remember and recite Namaz (Salat), a form of daily prayer in Islam.
Furthermore, it was the Prophet's Sunnah to recite the 4th Prophet, obeying the Sunnah is following the commandments of Allah as stated by Hazrat Ayesha (RA) at one place:
"Before bedtime Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will recite the last three surahs of the Quran and then blow it with his hands and then wipe his hands over his body." [Bukhari]
There are four Qul Sharifs in the Holy Qur'an, these four Qur Suras serve for the purpose of protecting us from all the evildoers around us.
1. Surah 109 - Kafirun (The Disbelievers)
2. Surah 112 - Ikhlas (The Purity)
3. Surah 113 - Falaq (The Daybreak)
4. Surah 114 - Nas (The Mankind)
There are enarmous numbers of Hadees describing about the blessings of 4 QUL. 4 QuL consits of "Surah Kafroon", "Surah AKhlas'," Surah Falaq "and" Surah Nas ".
According to one Hadees recition of one surah frome these four is equal to reciting one quarter of Holy Quran so if some one recites these 4 surahs he / she will be granted reward of reciting the whole Quran.
This is small application you can download it can read and listen these surahs when ever you want.